Configure Marketing Cloud Connector

Marketing Cloud Connector is a tool from Salesforce to integrate Salesforce CRM and Marketing Cloud using a declarative approach. Salesforce has provided a very detailed documentation on how to configure Marketing Cloud Connector. We have summarized the steps to be followed in order to complete the setup.


  1. Four custom tabs should be available in your Salesforce instance
  2. One available user license each in Salesforce and Marketing Cloud
  3. Subscriber key must be enabled in your marketing cloud instance.
  4. Platform Events must be enabled in your Salesforce instance

Configuration Steps in Sequence:

  1. Install Connected App:
  2. Page Layout Updates: Update the following object layout, to include Marketing cloud components (Fields, related lists, visual force components).
  3. ObjectFieldsRelated ListsVisualforce Components
    User1. Marketing Cloud for Ap-pExchange Admin
    2. Marketing Cloud for Ap-pExchange User
    ContactNA1. Email Sends
    2. Individual Email Results
    LeadNA1. Email Sends
    2. Individual Email Results
  4. Enable “Marketing Cloud for AppExchange Admin” and “Marketing Cloud for AppExchange User” for your user.
  5. Salesforce System User – Create a new user as follows (you can reuse an existing admin user based on your license availability.)
    1. User License: Salesforce
    2. Profile: System Administrator
    3. Select Marketing Cloud for AppExchange, Marketing Cloud for AppExchange
  6. Create a new permission set, which will later be used with the connected app to connect SFMC and SFDC. Let’s call this permission set “Marketing Cloud Connected App”. Assign this permission set to the system user you have created in the previous step.
  7. Make sure your marketing cloud connect user(s) have edit access to “Email Opt Out” field on contact and lead object. You can either enable it for the system admin profile or create a new permission set and assign this permission set to all marketing cloud connect users.
  8. Configuring the Connection in Marketing Cloud
    1. In SFMC setup page, click Apps -> Salesforce Integration
    2. Based on your required data access configuration either select or deselect Scope by User. More details about this option can be found here.
    3. After clicking Connect Account, and confirming the popup, you will be redirected to a new login window in salesforce. Login using the System user credentials you have set up earlier. Allow to grant access to Marketing cloud to connect to Salesforce CRM.
  9. Connected App Setup in Salesforce:
    1. Click “Edit Policies” on Salesforce Marketing Cloud connected app. Make the following changes and click save.
      1. Permitted Users – Admin approved users are pre-authorized
      2. IP Relaxation – Relax IP restrictions
      3. Refresh Token Policy – Immediately expire refresh token
    2. Assign the permission set (“Marketing Cloud Connected App”) you created earlier to the connected app.
  10. Check the default workflow user in Process Automation in Salesforce setup. If it is empty assign a user with System Administrator profile. You can use the System User you have created earlier.
  11. Open Session Settings in Salesforce setup and click on save without changing anything.
  12. Create Marketing Cloud API User: Create a new user in Marketing cloud with selecting API User to true and assign the following roles to it.
    1. Administrator
    2. Marketing Cloud Administrator.
      Logout from Marketing Cloud.
  13. In Salesforce, open the “Marketing Cloud” tab. It will ask for remote site verification, go ahead and complete it. Click on “Start Wizard” and acknowledge all 4 steps you have completed earlier. Select “I Agree” and click “Configure Marketing Cloud Connector”. Click Okay to finish the wizard on the configuration summary screen.
  14. Open the “Marketing Cloud” tab and click on “Connect to Marketing Cloud”. In the next screen login using credentials of Marketing Cloud API user you have created earlier. The next screen will let you configure Marketing Cloud Connect settings. Configure the settings based on your organization requirements. You can enable and configure Campaign Member tracking if it is required for your organization in the Marketing Cloud Connect settings page. Click “Save Settings”, on the next screen select the Business unit you want to configure with Marketing Cloud Connect and click Save.
  15. Login to Marketing Cloud. Open the user record of the API User. Click Integrate next to Status field. Enter the username of the Salesforce System User and click on Save Settings. The status will change to Integrated.
  16. The Connector configuration is now completed. To test the connection, send a test email to a report of Lead or Contact record from Marketing Cloud.

Thank you for reading. Please drop your suggestion/feedback/questions on the comment box below.

Stay Safe.

Marketing Cloud Connector : Trailhead

Marketing Cloud Connector : Salesforce Help Document

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