What is Salesforce?

Spoiler Alert: This post is aimed to explain Salesforce in very basic terms.

If you have landed on this page then it means you already know there is a term “Salesforce”, and trust us you are getting inside a world of pure “Magic”. We are amazed by the numerous number of features this platform (will come to the terminology later) has to offer.

“Salesforce is a CRM built and hosted on force.com platform.

This statement is only one of those computer Jargons if you do not understand what is CRM or Platform or Cloud. So, let’s dig into what these terms actually mean.

CRM – The name suggests Customer Relationship Management. CRM is basically the combination of the many ways an organization interacts with it’s current and prospected Customers aiming at raising the revenue. CRM touches all the process that is part of an end to end business model. E.g. Marketing the product to prospected customers, regular product servicing at the customer site etc.. everything is part of the CRM system.

Cloud- Cloud Computing is basically a web-based computing where multiple services including storage, application, server etc are delivered to a customer on their devices using the Internet. Cloud computing relies on on-demand sharing of resources to achieve coherence, cost-effectiveness, and “Optimal and Fair” sharing of the resources to its tenants. To make it little simpler, it creates a virtual pool of resources, and the needed resources are used by the tenant as and when they need it. In technical terms it is the “Multi-Tentant Server Architecture“.

Force.com Platform- Force.com is a Platform As A Service (PaaS). Force.com is a platform built with “Multitenant Server” architecture hosted the cloud. 
In a more simpler term, it is basically a web space where the application(s) can be developed and hosted. Basically, you have your data model, data, application, server all at one place. Everything is on the platform and you don’t have to worry about setting up anything to build or host an application. To enable the fair sharing model on Force.com Salesforce has set up some rules and limits on the usage of resources termed as “Governor Limits” in Salesforce.

Since now you have a bit more understanding of the above terms let’s say it again: “Salesforce is a CRM application built and hosted on force.com platform.” Makes a lot more sense now right?

Salesforce” is a pre-built hosted CRM Environment, which you can start using as it is. But of course, you are not, and will never be limited only to the existing features(they call it Out-Of-The-Box feature, and is not it the exact opposite of how you used the phrase “out of the box” till today as in “Think Out Of The Box”;) . Salesforce has already done that for us 🙂 ). You can configure (using point and clicks tools) and customize(using a little bit of the coding knowledge based on the OOPS concepts) the inbuilt Salesforce CRM Applications to make your CRM application for your Own customers.

We hope the explanation above helped you know little about Salesforce. Please

provide your feedback in the comments section.

The upcoming blogs will be about the Salesforce CRM Applications. Stay tuned 🙂
